Extremely precise measurements of the distance between the Earth and the Coma cluster of galaxies provide new evidence for the universe’s faster-than-expected …
Science news
Optical atomic clock achieves record accuracy in comparison measurement
by debarjunby debarjunThe ion trap of the new In+/Yb+ crystal clock in its vacuum chamber. Credit: PTB The next generation of atomic clocks “ticks” …
Mars’s two distinct hemispheres caused by mantle convection not giant impacts, study claims
by debarjunby debarjunIllustration of convection origin for Mars’s hemispheric dichotomy, based upon seismic wave attenuation from marsquakes. Credit: Sun and Tkalčić, 2024. Mars has …
Astrophysicists reveal structure of 74 exocomet belts orbiting nearby stars
by debarjunby debarjun30 of the exocomet belts, as imaged in this study, showing the extreme variation in such belts. Credit: Prof Luca Matra, Trinity …
Credit: Journal of the American Chemical Society (2025). DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c15626 An international team of chemists has successfully created methylenedistibiranes, which are three-membered …
Tiny galaxy reignites, shedding light on star formation and cosmic evolution
by debarjunby debarjunThis image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope shows a portion of the Leo P dwarf galaxy (stars at lower right represented …
A red kite depicted in the Aberdeen Bestiary, written and illuminated in England around 1200. Credit University of Aberdeen Special Collections Birds …
Tuning magnetism with voltage opens a new path to spintronic neuromorphic circuits
by debarjunby debarjunApplying a voltage to lanthanum strontium manganite (LSMO) can cause it to separate into distinct regions with dramatically different magnetic properties, as …
Homo erectus adapted to harsh deserts 1.2 million years ago, study finds
by debarjunby debarjunCredit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Homo erectus was able to adapt to and survive in desert-like environments at least 1.2 million years ago, …
Relativistic spin-orbit coupling may lead to unconventional superconductivity type
by debarjunby debarjunThe phase diagram of a 3-dimensional Rashba system. “FM” is a ferromagnetic phase while “PM” is a paramagnetic phase. The horizontal axis …