Credit: Journal of the American Chemical Society (2024). DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c11285 The origin of many diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s can be …
Physics News
Scientists identify flaw in astrophysics models of massive stars and supernovae
by debarjunby debarjunExperimental results.Credit: Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-54040-4 An international team of researchers has uncovered evidence that astrophysics models of massive stars and …
A pair of monster black holes swirl in a cloud of gas in this artist’s concept of AT 2021hdr, a recurring outburst …
Only certain paranormal beliefs may be linked with more stress and distress, research reveals
by debarjunby debarjunIn new study, distress was associated with traditional paranormal beliefs but not with new age philosophy. Credit: Layers, Pixabay, CC0 ( In …
CMS develops new AI algorithm to detect anomalies at the Large Hadron Collider
by debarjunby debarjunCredit: CERN In the quest to uncover the fundamental particles and forces of nature, one of the critical challenges facing high-energy experiments …
Tagging antibiotic-resistant bacteria with a chimeric agent to activate the immune system
by debarjunby debarjunFluorescent chimeric C3b tag binds E. coli S. EVOS microscope images of bound chimeric C3b tag to P4-NR smooth E. coli bacteria. …
Ultra-low temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope, used for the new Nature Physics experiment. Credit: Yale University A Yale-led team has found the strongest …
A failed experiment and chance open up new paths to an established reaction for chemists
by debarjunby debarjunKushik, PhD student of Dr. habil. Christian Hering-Junghans, came across the new Azide-Wittig reaction by chance. Credit: LIKAT/Gohlke The original plan of …
‘King Arthur’s Hall’ is five times older than thought, researchers discover
by debarjunby debarjunCredit: Historic England A historic site in Cornwall linked to King Arthur has been found to be 4,000 years older than previously …
Scientists demonstrate controlled transfer of atoms using coherent tunneling between optical tweezers
by debarjunby debarjunA zoom-in through the same side window shows the windows both above and below. Credit: Technion An experimental setup built at the …