Credit: CC0 Public Domain Babies were weaned earlier in cities in the Roman Empire than in smaller and more rural communities, according …
Physics News
PPTMDs. a,b, Micrograph of the 3R-MoS2 flake before (a) and after (b) patterning (electron beam lithography, etching). c, Stacking procedure. Slab 1 …
Detrended and normalized TESS light curves of TOI-6038 A from S18 and S58 are shown with green and blue points, respectively. The …
Scientists achieve measurement of three different deformations in atomic nucleus
by debarjunby debarjunArtistic illustration of three different deformations in the atomic nucleus of lead-190. Credit: Janne Pakarinen and Adrian Montes Plaza A new milestone …
A portion of Webb’s 2023 observation of Wolf-Rayet 140. Credits: Image: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI; Science: Emma Lieb (University of Denver), Ryan …
Advanced techniques paint a more accurate picture of molecular geometry in metal complexes
by debarjunby debarjunStructure of iridium (Ir) dimer complex showing an Ir-Ir bonding molecular orbital populated (left) and an Ir-Ir anti-bonding molecular orbital depopulated (right) …
Physicists discover and explain unexpected magnetism in atomically thin material
by debarjunby debarjunMIT physicists have created an ultrathin, two-dimensional material with unusual magnetic properties. They did so by working with three layers of graphene. …
AI-fabricated ‘junk science’ floods Google scholar, researchers warn
by debarjunby debarjunCredit: University of Borås AI-generated research is a threat, both in terms of society’s knowledge and public trust in science. This was …
by Light Publishing Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS Coherent Broadband Supercontinuum (CBS) generation with phase-matching-free second-order optical …
Gravity from mountains on rapidly rotating neutron stars produces ripples in space-time known as gravitational waves. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory …