In new study, distress was associated with traditional paranormal beliefs but not with new age philosophy. Credit: Layers, Pixabay, CC0 ( In …
CMS develops new AI algorithm to detect anomalies at the Large Hadron Collider
by debarjunby debarjunCredit: CERN In the quest to uncover the fundamental particles and forces of nature, one of the critical challenges facing high-energy experiments …
Tagging antibiotic-resistant bacteria with a chimeric agent to activate the immune system
by debarjunby debarjunFluorescent chimeric C3b tag binds E. coli S. EVOS microscope images of bound chimeric C3b tag to P4-NR smooth E. coli bacteria. …
Ultra-low temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope, used for the new Nature Physics experiment. Credit: Yale University A Yale-led team has found the strongest …
A failed experiment and chance open up new paths to an established reaction for chemists
by debarjunby debarjunKushik, PhD student of Dr. habil. Christian Hering-Junghans, came across the new Azide-Wittig reaction by chance. Credit: LIKAT/Gohlke The original plan of …
‘King Arthur’s Hall’ is five times older than thought, researchers discover
by debarjunby debarjunCredit: Historic England A historic site in Cornwall linked to King Arthur has been found to be 4,000 years older than previously …
Scientists demonstrate controlled transfer of atoms using coherent tunneling between optical tweezers
by debarjunby debarjunA zoom-in through the same side window shows the windows both above and below. Credit: Technion An experimental setup built at the …
Iron electrocatalysis breaks down polystyrene and delivers green hydrogen
by debarjunby debarjunCredit: Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2024). DOI: 10.1002/anie.202412689 The vast amounts of plastic garbage heaped in landfills and in the environment are …
Theoretical predictions provide a first peek at nuclear shape transitions
by debarjunby debarjunThe nucleus of the Xenon atom can assume different shapes depending on the balance of internal forces at play. As two Xenon …
Quasi-periodic eruptions from eRO-QPE2 are remarkably stable, study finds
by debarjunby debarjun0.25-2.5 keV XMM-Newton/EPIC (pn+MOS) X-ray light curves of eRO-QPE2. Credit: Pasham et al., 2024. An international team of astronomers has inspected long-term …