The problem with debating a flat-Earther is that they didn’t arrive at their conclusions from the weight evidence, so using the evidence …
January 2025
Scientists achieve measurement of three different deformations in atomic nucleus
by debarjunby debarjunArtistic illustration of three different deformations in the atomic nucleus of lead-190. Credit: Janne Pakarinen and Adrian Montes Plaza A new milestone …
A portion of Webb’s 2023 observation of Wolf-Rayet 140. Credits: Image: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI; Science: Emma Lieb (University of Denver), Ryan …
Advanced techniques paint a more accurate picture of molecular geometry in metal complexes
by debarjunby debarjunStructure of iridium (Ir) dimer complex showing an Ir-Ir bonding molecular orbital populated (left) and an Ir-Ir anti-bonding molecular orbital depopulated (right) …
Physicists discover and explain unexpected magnetism in atomically thin material
by debarjunby debarjunMIT physicists have created an ultrathin, two-dimensional material with unusual magnetic properties. They did so by working with three layers of graphene. …
LIGO Has Detected Unusual Black Holes Merging, But they Probably Don’t Explain Dark Matter
by debarjunby debarjunThe traditional theory of black hole formation seems to struggle to explain how black holes can merge into larger more massive black …
AI-fabricated ‘junk science’ floods Google scholar, researchers warn
by debarjunby debarjunCredit: University of BorĂ¥s AI-generated research is a threat, both in terms of society’s knowledge and public trust in science. This was …
by Light Publishing Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS Coherent Broadband Supercontinuum (CBS) generation with phase-matching-free second-order optical …
Gravity from mountains on rapidly rotating neutron stars produces ripples in space-time known as gravitational waves. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory …
Amplification trick makes water toxin detection 10 times more sensitive
by debarjunby debarjunThe latest iteration of sensing platform ROSALIND is 10 times more sensitive than its predecessor, opening the door for the system to …